Xaar’s Ultra High Viscosity technology ‘frees creativity’ for label and packaging print

Xaar, the leading inkjet printing technology group, says the advanced capabilities of its Ultra High Viscosity technology demonstrates the significant difference that inkjet printing can make to labels and packaging.

Part of Xaar’s ImagineX platform, Ultra High Viscosity technology ensures Xaar’s printheads deliver high impact, productive and efficient results for volume digital label and packaging printing applications.


By enabling an extended high colour gamut and fluids with larger particles and more pigment, colours are more vibrant and whites and blacks stronger – this unbeatable capability to print high opacity, especially whites, in a single pass is extremely useful for delivering impact on many labels and direct-to-shape packaging printing applications.


In addition, fluids, and inks with viscosities of up to 100 centipoises (cP) can be jetted in a single pass, further opening up opportunities for label and packaging printers to deliver new and exciting finishes for clients across a wider variety of packaging materials, with a high degree of efficiency and productivity.


Energy is also saved because UV fluids, which previously required heating to 45 degrees before jetting, can now be laid down at room temperature. Overall, less fluid is required as well, making the process even more sustainable.


Source: Textile Focus