Textile is an inevitable part of the healthcare sector. Excellent functions and innovation are required in the field of healthcare textiles. Healthy and steady growth is seen in this field.
Explore Trends on Healthcare Textiles
2021 Shanghai Healthcare Textile Innovation Showcase cum International Conference
Sustainability has become a buzzword and megatrend in the textile and fashion industry. Consumers are shifting their purchasing decisions to create a cleaner environment through the clothes they wear.
Explore Trends on Sustainability
Sustainable Innovations in Recycled Textiles Forum 2021
Over the last two decades, with the great advancement of computer technology, academic research in artificial intelligence (AI) and its applications in fashion and textile supply chain has been becoming a very hot topic and has received greater attention from both academics and industrialists.
Explore Trends on Artificial Intelligence
The 3rd Artificial Intelligence on Fashion & Textile International Conference (AIFT 2021)